Inkjet printers – APLINK MR2
The APLINK MR2 Inkjet Printer is the ideal choice for high-resolution printing on porous surfaces.
Excellent cost-effectiveness and increased return on investment.
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Technical Specifications
- Power supply: 110/220 V 50-60 Hz.
- Temperature: from + 10 ° C ( 50 F) to + 50 ° C (122 ° F)
- Humidity: from 5% to 85% non-concentrated
- Inks: oil based
- Colors: black, red, blue and yellow (other shades, upon request)
- Package: 1,000 ml. and 500 ml.bottles
- Printing surfaces: all types of porous materials
- Drying time: immediately on porous surfaces
Features Print
- Print height: 35 mm to 70 mm.
- Resolution: 180 x 180 dpi and 180 x 720 dpi
- Speed printing: up to 110m./min. (360.89 ft / min.)
- Distance from the product: up to 5 mm. (0,1969 in.)
- Printhead Position: Side Print or Top Print
- Fixed or variable text and data: barcodes, codes, dates, free fields, special symbols, fonts
- graphics, logos and all kinds of images
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